Last year, we embarked on our own journey to fulfil a dream and we bought an Airstream!
It all started after attending the 2021 Vintage Caravan Rally in Victor Harbour in March. I was hooked! Someone we met set us the challenge to have our own vintage caravan for the next rally in 2 years. Challenge accepted! We wasted no time and immediately started looking at lots of different caravans available. We looked at them all! Small, large, British, Scottish and Australian of course, but for me, it had to be an Airstream. I remember seeing them in movies when I was young and really fell in love with them just after starting Van Go… I mean, for us and our business, is there any van more iconic and eye-catching than a gorgeous ‘Silver Bullet’?!

Speaking with caravan enthusiasts at the rally led us to Chloe who runs Vintage Airstreams Australia. Chloe shares her 10 year Airstream obsession and industry experience by sourcing and importing the most iconic and authentic Airstreams in the best possible condition to Australia for travel, accommodation, mobile businesses and as collectables. Fulfilling the dream of owning a vintage Airstream can be a complex process from sourcing the right one, balancing the best possible condition with price, to importing and restoring. Chloe streamlined the process and made buying an Airstream simpler by bringing it Australia for us.

Thanks to Chloe and her wonderful contacts in the US we are now the proud owners of a 1954 Airstream Safari!! The older, the better for all that gorgeous character

So much to do! As you can see, it’s empty on the inside except for those beautiful Hickory floors. We've been told that the subfloor has been replaced, chassis repairs have been done and it’s been polished, which is a huge job! The wiring needs to be changed over and it has new tyres and wheels but needs new brakes. Then there’s the insurance and registration… oh, and we need to choose a name!!
Can’t wait to see it in person!

We’d love you to follow our journey! This is our first caravan so we’ll need lots of help and advice along the way. Make sure you follow us on Instagram and Facebook to ride the journey with us!